Zaiders Store Store
Welcome to the new Zaiders Store for GTA V, this is the best place to get your custom clothing, peds or packs for your FiveM or Single Player. In our store you can find the best personalized clothing for our team so you can have a much better experience in GTA V.
Are you looking for clothing with excellent texture quality and optimized? Are you looking for trusted designers? Do you not know who to order your personalized order? This is the right place with a highly capable team.
All of our clothing and designs are brand-free to comply with Rockstar regulations. We have support on all our products and immediate delivery.
We are not affiliated with Rockstar, FiveM. We make our designs and models to improve the playability and appearance of the characters.
Unique Clothing
We have the best quality in texture and optimization in clothing.

Clothing Package
We have the best quality in texture and optimization with unique items in our packages.

Peds Custom
We make custom order in any type of peds with the best quality and optimization.

Chain Custom
The best customization and optimization in chains, 100% interpreting the customers order.

High Customer Satisfaction

Fast Support

Instant Delivery
Refund Policy
All payments are final and non-refundable. Attempting a chargeback or opening a PayPal dispute will result in permanent and irreversible banishment from all of our servers, and other stores.
Privacy Policy
All information that is required on this webstore is not shared with any other third parties and is stored securely. All payments are processed via SSL enabled gateways and ensure that your payment details are secure.